On Plages
Beach places booking service
To develop an outstanding Beach places booking service.
There are very few services for booking beach lounges or a beach place, in general. All these services are tied to a particular beach, hotel or hotel. This may be convenient for a permanent or local beach visitor, but it poses problems for people who are looking for a beach in another country, with unknown conditions for accommodation and booking a beach place. Users are difficult to navigate, take into account the nuances associated with time and location.
Visitors to the beaches resort to various tricks when booking a place. For example, they put a towel on a lounger, which is very attractive, for this they wake up at 6 am so as not to miss the moment. More is not required, now it is enough to book places on the beach in advance via the Internet, through our service.
The service gives you the opportunity to book a beach place, and add a new beach, i.e. has two directions for users: guest or beach owner .
Features for guests
Search for a beach near to you. There is also an advanced search for specifying all the nuances.
Share your beach place location. You can arrange a great party on the beach with friends.
Resale your beach place when you are away.
Stay up to date on all activities and events on the beach.
Order your place online.
Features for beach owners
Your seasonal guests do not visit your beach every day and your beach services have small demand. More people - more profit. Your seasonal guests will allow you to resell your seats for a small payback. Your bar and other services will generate more revenue.
Make a colorful description of your beach for people around the world
Share photos of your beach.
Draw your interactive beach plan.
Offer your services.
Invite people to events.
Receive orders and payments.
Manage your beach.